>For those of you who haven't experienced the joy of high medical costs,
>let me tell you what my ferrets have cost in the last 11 months...I just
>want people to understand what these little dears can cost.  Maybe someone
>will THINK before taking in more and more animals.... My medical cost for
>4 ferrets for 11 months has been over $1,200!!!
I can top that with the medical costs I have had just in the past 3 months
for just 1 ferret! ;)  I will not disclose the amount, just because if I
add it all up on paper I might start crying (looking at my credit card
bills almost does that too me already!) :)  I do not to scare off the
potential ferret owners though, because my costs were from gallivanting
all over the state to 4 different doctors to get several surgeries and
chemotherapy for a rare type of cancer.  But, I do think Katharine's point
was a good one and one that all potential fuzzy owners should be aware of.
All for the fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 2884]