Hello everyone,
I have not posted in a long time, but at this point I am at a loss.  I have
an almost 4 yr old None MF female ferret (she was spayed at 1 yr of age).
About 7 weeks ago she quitt eating her TF and 8 in 1 ( I do a mix between
these two), and she had also been showing some hind leg weakness for about
a week.
After she did not improve, matter of fact got to the point where she could
not move her hind legs at all, we went and seen our Vet.  X-rays where done
and a blood panel.  X-rays didn't show anything except an enlarged bladder,
so I started helping her emptying out her bladder 2-3 times a day.  Her
bloodwork was all normal except a high white blood cell count of 25,000.
She was put on amoxi two times a day 0.5ml each time, and my vet also
suspected lympho so she was started on the pedia pred 0.5ml twice a day.
After almost 2 weeks on the amoxi there was no change at all.  We went back
in and discussed biopsy at this time.  I also asked if we could change her
antibiotic and she was put on Clindadrops 1ml 2X a day, and we upped the
pred to 1ml twice a day.  At this point we had been syringe feeding Sassy
for almost 6 weeks now.  Within 48 hrs Sassy would actually eat the
ducksoup on her own, which she hasn't done in over 6 weeks.  She was also
able to empty her own bladder after starting the new antibiotic.  One week
ago we did the biopsy.  My vet took two samples one from her neck and one
from her hip (rear leg area).  Still waiting on the results...boy the lab
is dragging their feet on getting these results back to us.  My question is
since she has not eaten any dry food in almost 2 month, does anyone have
any suggestions on how to get her back on it???  I have tried all the
tricks I can think of.  Softened TF with water, nutri-stat, ferret tone,
tried putting different treats on each piece of TF or 8 in 1, but she just
turns her head.  I even tried turning the TF into powder and mixing it...
still same result she turns her head.  She may lick a few drops of my
finger, but then again refuses.  My son and I take turns feeding her 5-6
times every 24 hrs.  She eats between 100-150 cc's of ducksoup per day.  I
need to get her back on some solids soon.  She has not lost any weight,
matter of fact she gained 2 ounces when she went in for her biopsy last
monday, which puts her at 1.4.  Any help would be appreciated, especially
if you had a ferret that was off solids for a long period of time and had
to to use some tricks to get them back on solids.
Thanks again
Mini and her gang
[Posted in FML issue 2911]