Hi all
The christmas party is over.  Dey are starting to put in da stuff for da
big New Year party.  It looks like it is going to be something.  Can't
A little guy came in today.  He said his name waz Dookesbury, Dooks for
short.  He waz met by Lady and all da gang.  They were happy to see him and
everyone hugged everyone.  They took him over to da All You Can Eat Rasin
Bar for a snack.  Then they were going over to da Crazy Kars for a family
race.  I am not sure who waz winning, it looked more like a demolition
derby over there.  They did seem to have a lot of fun at it though.  Dooks
said to tell daddy bye and dat he luved him bunches and to send him lots
of kisses.
Another little guy came in.  He said hiz name waz Tucker.  He said he felt
real good.  I gave him da tour and he took some rasins but he waz really
interested in the Ferretone Fwood.  He waz over there lapping it up and he
said he waz going to give da surfing a try.  He said even though he wazn't
there long dat da time waz the best in hiz whole life and he luved his new
mommy very much.  He said to send hugs and he would wait for her here.
A little girl came in a little later.  I gave her da tour of da place and
showed her where everything waz.  Though I normally don't get over there I
went and got Daisy out of da dog area and told her another little one waz
coming in dat waz luved by her mommy and she came over to say hello and to
see who it waz.  They seemed to get along very well and they went off
talking about their mommy and what they did when they were there.  She said
to tell her mommy dat she luved her and not to worry dat she was in good
paws.  Daisy said she would take care of her.  They both sent lots of
kisses and hugs.
Well I am teaching Noelle and Soly to fly today.  They have had a few
lessons but their landings suck.  I guess we will work on dat today.  Oh
and I got to call maintenance to look at da Crazy Kars.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2911]