Well, the shelter list arrived yesterday.  I had already decided that I
could afford to send $25 to charity.  Now, how to decide how to spend it?
Do I send it all to one shelter or send $5 to 5 shelters?  How do I decide
who is most worthy of my small donation?  I cry every time I think of poor
babies with no warm blankies or in need of surgeries that the poor shelter
moms and dads cannot always afford.  I want so much to help.
BIG, is it better to choose just one shelter to help at a time?  I know $5
does not go very far.  [Let's ask Judith that :-)  BIG]
I read the list of needy shelters all asking "Please help!".  How could I
possibly choose?  How do others choose?  I finally decide to send $5 to
each of 5 shelters.  Which 5?  I narrowed it down to the 8 with the highest
outstanding debts, or babies in need of surgeries.  I sent $5 to each of
these 8.  I decided I could wait another month for a new pair of work
shoes.  The babies needed the money more.  I wish I could afford to send
I hold my own sweet babies close, kissing them and telling them how much I
love them.  Mine are spoiled rotten.  They have warm, clean hammocks.  They
eat Totally Ferret, drink fresh filtered water.  They got new toys and
treats for Christmas.  I currently have 6, 5 girls and 1 boy.  All are
rescues.  Discards that no one else wanted, no one but me.  Not for one
moment have I ever regretted adopting these babies.  I lost my only
on-purpose ferret this past summer to an unknown illness after an expensive
battle.  I will always love and miss her.
My heart aches for Kevin and his little ones.  God Bless you.  No words can
sufficiently comfort someone who has lost so much.  You and your babies are
in my prayers.
Sorry, to have rambled on so.  I was just feeling so sad after these past
few days of reading the FML's and the shelter list.  Hug your fuzzies and
tell them how much you love them every day, even if they just stole the
remote for the third time today.  Prayers to all the sick babies.  May God
Bless them all.
Please people, send even a few dollars to the shelters.  If everyone on
this list sent a couple shelters $5 a month, soon there would be no ferrets
waiting for the money for needed surgeries.  Alone, one cannot accomplish
much, but together we can make many fuzzies have healthier and happier
lives.  Isn't that one of the reasons we read this list?
Thank you for listening/reading.
No Name Please
[Posted in FML issue 2911]