It has been almost a week since my little girl (Sacks) wandered away from
the house.  She found a way out (I live in a mobil home) of the house.  I
think the kids left the bathroom door open, and she went out with the bath
water so to speak.  There is a rather large opening around the drain pipe.
My husband, the wonderful man that he is, got under the house to see if she
was running aroun in the insulation.  Needless to say he did not find her.
I have had a few reports, well after the fact, of ferret sightings on
Saturday the 17th, the day she escaped.  No one has seenher since.  I feel
so bad that I let her get away, I go outside all the time to see if I can
find her.  There is a cage with food and water in it that, if by some
miracle she is still alive and wandering around, she can get into and bury
her self in the shredded paper to stay warm.  (I'm in Arizona, we are in
the 70's daily)  I miss my little girl, and I hope that she is OK in someone
else's home, or that she has joined my beloved Bear and Charlie at Rainbow
Bridge.  I just wish I knew either way, the not knowing is tearing me apart.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Hugs and Kisses go out to those who have sick babies, also those who have
lost babies in the last few months.
June with Amanda, Aurora, Taz and Snoopy, missing Sacks every day.
[Posted in FML issue 2908]