I don't know if this answers your question, but on the PETA page about
the Marshall Farms issue, there's a link to a letter about the issue
from another organization ..  the Physician's Committee for Responsible
Medicine.  That letter has a phone number and fax number on it, as well as
the name of the person who signed it (Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D.).  You should
be able to follow up with that person for independent confirmation, I would
imagine.  The URL is:
They also list another organization which apparently also independently
filed a similar petition to PETA's (about Marshall Farms).  Hopefully, they
could provide some information for you, too.  That organization is the
Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights, and I was able to find a
Web site for them at:
I didn't see ferrets listed as either "domestic" or "wild" on PETA's site.
I think they referred to them as "pet animals" a couple of times, but that
was about it ...
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2907]