I just picked up the copy of National Enquirer with your story in it, CJ!
All I can say is "bless you" for saving that poor ferret.
I noticed in the article that the Tyson camp contends that the ferrets were
killed by "contaminated vitamins".  I don't see how any intelligent person
looking at the picture of the dead ferret could believe that for one
second, though; the poor thing was skin and bones.  That's the saddest
picture of a ferret I've ever seen.  :-<
Thanks again for saving them .. and also for sharing their story with the
world.  They deserved to have their story told.  I hope you have a
wonderful holiday, and please hug that little surviving ferret for me.
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2906]