>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Silver
>I thought the colloidal silver thread was declared over a couple of weeks
Someone else brought it up...
I deeply resent you deeply resenting that I have never gotten anything from
you... Do you deeply resent that I deeply resent that..  oh nevermind.
Just don't call me a liar okay?  I haven't said you were lying.
>[Moderator's note: I believe Zen means to say that they don't consider the
>submitted evidence to be authoritative enough to accept as real studies.
>I haven't paid much attention and am forming no opinion of it myself.
Actually I wouldn't even say I've gotten that much.  I've gotten nothing.
Only the discredited (not that it was not authoritive but was proven wrong)
information posted to the FML.  Nothing whatsoever.  I can only assume
things that were sent to me were addressed incorrectly.
Could you tell me where you have sent anything?  Nothing that could in
anyway be considered scientific documentation has ever reached me.  Scream
all you like but if nothing has gotten to me, nothing has gotten to me.
Again the correct email address for such documentation is:
        [log in to unmask]
The correct postal address is
        zen and the art of ferrets
        po box 110
        star tannery va 22654
All I ever see on this list are your stories about Paddington.  That is
anecdotal. It was just one ferret that was given c.s. that didn't die.
There is no reason for me to believe that c.s. had much to do with his
survival.  Not even the claim that an anonymous veterinarian also agrees.
I don't even have anything from that vet saying why she thinks it did
anything.  Just your story, which is just that nothing more than a story.
I did get a URL to check out http://www.silversolutions.com
It took me only a minute to decide that that was just another bogus site.
I can debunk it easily for anyone interested in what seems to be the truth.
Just ask.
They are just another site that incorrectly attributes statements to people
who have disavowed them.  But also hides where those people really are
to inhibit checking up on the quotes.  But since its the same old tired
misquotes it didn't take any effort.  I haven't had the time yet to explain
to the gentleman who sent it to me where the owners of that site are lying
to him.  But C.S. is treated by some as religion not medicine.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Moderator's note: Those interested can read more about this in the
[Posted in FML issue 2906]