After seeing the note that the final who/where list was going up soon I
decided it was time I got mine sent in.  My name is Liz and I live in
Columbia, MD with my husband Mike and our little baby boy Gabby.  About
a year and a half to two years ago we lived in a very small one room
apartment and once we began looking at bigger apartments my husband said he
wanted to get a ferret.  Not knowing anything about them I of course turned
to the internet and while getting information from Ferret Central I came
across the FML.  I quickly subscribed and the stories combined with the
pictures and information from Ferret Central were enough to convince me I
wanted one of these little cuties.  I fell in love with their furry little
faces and started annoying my husband with all sorts of ferret related
ancedotes.  Once we moved into a bigger apartment it was only about a month
before I pestered him into looking at ferrets.  We knew there was a pet
store near our old apartment that my husband had seen ferrets in so we
called and found out they had just gotten some in the day before.  We drove
over and as soon as I saw this playful little sable I knew he had to be
mine.  We bought the cage and everything all at once.  We were told it was
not a Marshall Farms and that the ferret was female.  Considering how
talkative the little one was and the supposed gender we decided Gabby was
the perfect name.  Then we found out she was a he and that he was Marshall
Farms.  I couldn't ask for a better ferret though.  He's a little over a
year old now and has the sweetest personality.  Now if I could just keep
him from digging at the carpet I'd have the perfect ferret.  I'd love to
adopt him a playmate someday but for now he's going to have to be an only
child.  Thanks to the advice of people on this list I'm wary of taking on
more that we're ready for.  I'd rather have one baby that I can spoil and
know will be healthy and well cared for than have to stress and worry about
the health of two.
[Posted in FML issue 2905]