Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the members of the FML from the
Critterpen.  I had to stop taking in ferrets over a year ago due to
financial problems ( huge vet bills) but I kept on taking care of the
ones I had.  Down to four now, and they are all so old.  Kayli, who is 7
this Christmas is still living on my formula, 3 years now.  Freddie Pooh,
who came to me in such disastrous shape from our local animal services
three years ago, is now a very plump and very happy guy.  Little Tiquer,
who has skin cancer and also arrived about 3 years ago, is eating on her
own again.  She must be about 7 years old, also.  And, last but not least,
Chipper the RugRat, my own baby, (along with Kayli) just celebrated her
6th birthday.  She has been blind all of her life.  I am sorry I haven't
updated the web page.  Needs to be done.  Just need a little health and
time of my own.
And, I wish the people who listed me in whatever magazine as a local
shelter would read this and remove Critterpen from their listing.
No tree this year, as I am inable to put one up, but the oldsters will
still get to play in some wrapping.
Kevin, my heart goes out to you.  I lost a beloved baby when my daughter
stupidly put D-Con behind the refrigerator and the stove.  And then didn't
tell me she had done so.  Ferrets do get into rooms they are not supposed
to be in no matter how careful one is, and Peanut paid the price.  D-Con
causes severe internal bleeding and a long and painful dying process.
I am sure Peanut and R2 have welcomed your little ones to the Bridge.
Peanut because she went through such a time, and R2 because his heart
was so big he loved everyone.
Cheryl Nordgulen, the Critterpen
[Posted in FML issue 2905]