In response to the post about the reaction:
Yup, been there, done that, have the permanent scarring from it!  We had
two that had reactions, and went into shock.  Vomiting, loss of
consciousness, release of body fluids... All in a carrier with 4 other
ferrets in it.  We did about 90 mph back to the vet (thank God for Turbo
engines in cars!).
This year, we did not give Bailey the shots.  She was ill with her
Insulinoma and other illnesses, and she was 7 years old.
Sturmie got a dose of Benadryl, we killed time for 12 minutes, and then he
got his shot, and then we waited 15.  The other 5 in the carrier with him
were rudely roused every 10 minutes for 30 minutes afterwards.  (They were
getting pissed by the end of the half hour, but at least we knew they were
Reactions are incredibly violent and frightening.  I hate Shot Season.  I
feel like I need to take Valium before it.  Always make sure vets know of
reactions, even if it doesn't happen consistently.
I still don't understand why Rabies and Distemper are yearly.  Why doesn't
the drug "build up"?  Why isn't it like a chicken pox vaccination where it
lasts a lifetime?  How is it that the drug can last a "year" but not a
lifetime in an animal under 6 pounds?
[Posted in FML issue 2904]