One of our shelter ferrets, Austin, who is about 3 years old, has a bony
tumor growing into his skull.  His original owner first noticed it in April
of this year, and it has definitely gotten bigger since we've had him
(since July).  Her vet told her there was nothing to be done, and our local
experienced ferret vet told us the same thing after taking an X-ray.  The
tumor is a prominent bump above his right ear, and it is definitely growing
into his skull.  The concern is that as it grows, it will hit the optic
nerve and blind him in that eye, and then eventually find the nerves that
are related to his sense of smell and he'll stop eating.  Does anybody on
this list have any experience with this kind of tumor?  Any suggestions?
We are willing to do whatever it takes to make this sweet guy better.
Kurt & Sara Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot RUnning Round You)
Help raise money for the shelter!  Click on
[Posted in FML issue 2903]