>From:    Sandra King <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: scaly feet
>I believe I am about to adopt two more ferrets.  The male had scaly feet
>about a month or so ago, and now his poor little feet are ? swollen, scaly,
>cracked and bleeding. ... I am assuming it is a fungal infection, did not
>fluoresce under the blacklight, but not all fungal infections do.
Hi Sandy,
I remember reading in a turn-of-the-century book (last century, that is!)
on ferret keeping that because of the bedding conditions ferrets were kept
in then, they were susceptible to fungal infections on their feet, a kind
of dry rot.  I think it had to do with wooden floors and damp straw-- Fox
Morton's book also mentions that foot infections used to be a problem but
are largely unheard of now.  I wish I could remember the name of the book
for you, although the medical references in it are pretty out of date.
Anyway perhaps your ferret has something similar to what was described in
that book.
Regina Harrison
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Electra the Brujah's page:
Wrapped in my mongrel wings, I nearly freeze
In the howlin wind and drivin rain
All the trash blowin round 'n' round
[Posted in FML issue 2903]