I have been lurking on the FML since 1995 and this is my first post.  I
got my first ferret Ferg in 1991 from a pet store and have loved them ever
since.  Shortly after I got Ferg I got Champ to keep him company.  It's
hard to believe I only had two ferrets for almost a year before Sophia
came to live with me in 1992.  Right now there are 35 wonderful ferrets
who share my home.
Over the last two years I've taken in several ferrets needing a home.  Most
but not all coming from some really bad situations.  Without the help of
my daughter and some very good friends I couldn't do it.  They are always
there when I need them.
All the ferrets here get plenty of play time and the older group of about
10 ferrets are free roam and sleep in my bedroom.  I feel extremely lucky
to live in the DC area and be able to see a wonderful vet.  Dr. Weiss is my
personal ferret hero of the year.  He has been taking care of my fuzzies
for over 4 years now.  Two of my ferrets Sassy and Taz are in his new video
and he did the surgery for free at a time when I really needed it.  He will
operate on Lacey again this week to remove some mammary tumors and for
insulinoma.  I can't say enough about this wonderful vet.
Merry Christmas to all
Debbie Thomas
[Posted in FML issue 2903]