I have received about a dozen emails from FMLers urging me to take in the
two senior fuzzes.  Well, that was never really a question, I was just
hoping there was a bigger sucker than me in the PA/NJ area who was willing
to adopt them!
At this point, it appears the boys will be coming to join our home after
the holidays.  Until last night, I was still on the track of finding them a
permanent home after they arrived.  BUT, I discussed the two guys with my
almost 9 year old daughter (who is a prime example for those closed minded
people out there who believe young people should be fuzz owners, but THAT
is another post for another day).  Anyway, after telling Tor about the guys
and my attempts to find them a home, her response was simply, they should
stay with us, it is not their fault they are old.  Even after explaining
the one would pass fairly soon, she felt we should make the most of the
time he has left and he would be happy with us.  So, I guess my attempts
at finding a bigger sucker than myself to adopt these guys simply meant I
needed to look at the shorter version of me that sleeps down the hall.
Most posts I received were just confirmation of what I planned to do, I
would never separate the two, but I believe it is important for the younger
one to bond with a single or group before his buddy passes.  It was
suggested that the pair and my boys (3 wonderful, sweet, pretty mellow guys
aged 20 months to 3+) be caged separately.  But, I believe after the intro
period, all will get along well.  My guys are pretty accoustomed to rescue
and foster fuzzies coming through the house and they get along with
everyone.  The current owner reports the two guys have been around other
ferrets many times, even vacationed with one family and they always did
well.  So I'm hoping they will all do well, for everyone's sake, especially
the younger guy so he has other friends before he is left alone.
Anyway, just an update for everyone.  I am sure I will have questions once
the boys arrive, I've never fostered or owned a ferret this old before.  He
is reported to be young, active and playful, will eat anything you put in
front of him, but I'm sure there will be questions!
Thanks for your words of support, I did not receive a single message with
negative feedback.  Well, guess there is no looking back now!
Happy holidays to everyone and hopes that all the senior fuzzies out there
will find their own sucker to take them home.
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2902]