Well, I need to realy say they were rescued at his house, even though we
ere told they were his ferrets, he is not owning upto it.
And heres why:
Thursday nov 18, the shelter got a call from a man saying there is a ferret
that needs to be rescued, she wasn't feeling well.  My friend Brad told the
man i was at work and would call him back.  He said, well you might want to
tell her its Mike Tyson's ferret.
brad called me at work and i called the man back, i asked if the ferret
would be ok til 2 pm when I got off work, he said no problem.  i said I'll
go home and get a carrier and come pick him up then, he said don't worry
about it, just come get it.  so I called my friend ivy to get her to go
with because she has a truck.  i was thinking well being Tyson he probably
has a nice big cage and he'll donate all the ferrets stuff along with her.
when we got there, we found a large cage, outside, filed with filth, feces,
mold, and a dead sable male ferret at the bottom of the cage, and a tiny
skinny shaking albino ferret pacing on the very top shelf of the cage.  no
food or water in the cage.
I asked who was in charge of these animals and i was told the guy was
fired, he said that mike really didn't pay much attention to them any more
so thats why he called me, plus he thought the albino may be sick.
Well we placed the deceased ferret in a box and got the little girl,
Blonka, in to a carrier, my friend had to ask for a towel to try to keep
her warm.  He asked what are you going to to with the dead ferret.  i told
him i would have him privatly creamated like all the rest of my babies.  I
got a look like i was nuts.  which BTW, Iam.
Well by now, I wanted outta there, getting pissed and didn't want the guy
to say oh never mind.  i asked if I was getting the cage and he said he
would have tocheck and he would call me.
I asked about the other animals there and he said they were all ok, i had
animal coontrol go check the next day anyway and no other animals were
found n the property.  Thank God.
Well, the albino girl, we call her Robin, drank water like never before at
the vets, where she went to immediatly after leaving the Tyson house.  she
ate around 12 hours later, she was so nervous and scared it broke my heart.
The short of it is, i filed a animal abuse and negelect case against him,
fox 5 news did one little blurb about it and that was it.
i have seen alot of rescues but I never picked up a dead ferret, and have
someone actually claim it to boot.  The Tyson camp is totally denying
everything, and the DA is going to see if the case will go to court.  I
have documintation, witnesses, a vet statement, photos of both ferrets.
He has money and great lawyers.
i want him to take responsibility of ownership and fess up that they were
left for someone to tend to that didn't do the job, he is responsible for
those lives, bottom line.  you would think with all that money that ferrets
should have never suffered for anything, food, water, vet care, love, a
happy life.  I'm so mad at this situation that i could scream, if he thinks
i'm backing down, ha.  He is in the toughest fight he will ever have to
face.  if anyone knows a media outlet that will publicize this monster
owning animals, please let me know.  The local media seems afraid to touch
it.  I will send his addy to anyone who wants to write him and give him a
piece your mind.  God knows he needs it.  We need to let people know just
because someone is rich and famous, it doesn't mean they will gve an animal
a good home.  i want him to not get anymore ferrets, or other animals for
that matter.  i guess just because it was just "fereet" and not tigers or
bears, the loss of a life and another one hanging one is no big deal.  Now
is a chance for the ferret community to show unity and we are serious about
our babies.  If it was a dog or cat, everyone from the SPCA toPeta would
probably be all over this.
Robin will go in for bloodwork next wek to make sure no perminate damage
was done due to her poor living conditions.  you would think at least think
that Tyson would foot that bill.  I take care of ferrets all the time that
people can not aford to do the medical things that aree needed, but this is
ludicris.  I will keep everyone updated as best I can, lets hope that Robin
is going to be ok.  It really irks me that i don't even know the name of
the deceased ferret that I can haveit put on his urn.  Any suggestions,
please let me know.  Right now the body is being held for evidence at the
for all of you that think money is a big factor for ferret ownership, it
kkinda puts things in a different light huh?  It did for me, i don't think
I'd adopt a ferret to the president at this point i'm so stinking mad.
Whoever is in charge of the Floyd Marie fund, please email me, i can put a
little to the vet bill off my credit card for her surgery.
Take care and thanks for letting me vent....
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Where even Tyson's ferret is treated like gold, along with the other
We are part of iGive and please go and click and help the shelter kids out.
[Posted in FML issue 2884]