When possible we get vet-techs or ex-vet-techs to ferret-sit.  You might
ask at your vets.  Also, do NOT forget to leave a letter with the vet and
a copy with sitter giving permission to treat the ferret should a medical
emergency arise.  That is very, very important!!!!!!
Most people are on the FML to get info, but some do appear just to unload
ferrets by the looks of things, and that's cool in it's own way, too, since
it means that they are looking for owners who have backgrounds and have an
interest in learning more.
I don't think there's any problem with discussing the difficulties that can
arise when people have too many ferrets.  It might seem like a slam to a
few of those currently in that spot, but actually it's using their
situation as an illustration, just like when we told about my stepping on
Meeteetse's neck when she got behind me and tripped me as a warning which
might help other ferrets and their people.  That's not slapping; it's
preventing a mistake from being repeated by someone else, plain and simple.
Yes, sometimes it get annoying to read about the same problems over and
over, but those very same posts might be exactly what folks new to ferrets
need to avoid getting into the identical fix.  It so often seems that when
people get too many too fast they become so completely exasperated that
they unload the entire lot into shelters, when if they'd stayed with a
manageable number perhaps that crew would have kept its home for their
lifetimes.  Practicality makes ferrets more loveable, more safe, and more
secure.  Nothing wrong with that.
Meanwhile, there are ways to manage medical costs if that's a problem with
business size.  I posted a few yesterday that I've read or we've used in
the past, and I'm sure people will post more to teach all of us.
I think people have been very friendly and constructive recently, and
that's great!!!!!!  (Sure, there will be differences of opinion on things,
but that's normal for such a large group.)
[Posted in FML issue 2882]