We coped fine with seven ferrets in the past, but found it quite a bit
harder than six, of course we had two sick then, too, so, no, I wasn't
saying that one rule should apply to others and another to us -- we CAN
handle seven ferrets in time and budgeting.  We just weren't keen to put
in that extra difference for just any ferret because we know that really
was harder for us, and since we were avoiding temptation had not expected
this to happen.  Little boy 7 just has a very special need and really
tugged our heart strings so we're doing it once again.
Hey, people who have been on for a long time, do you recall how Spot used
to like to move his big toy "ferret mousie" (stuffed black footer ferret
toy which was larger than he was), but we haven't had a ferret before or
since who did that with the really large ones?  7 started doing that last
night!  You should have seen Steve grin and melt!
We have several infections from claw cuts from him yesterday; he was
filthy.  Didn't want to traumatize him so he got a splashing time in the
bath tub yesterday but no real bath or ear cleaning, yet, and we had to
wait for him to relax enough before clipping his claws last night.  One
of those claws had at least 4 months of growth; it was 3/4 of a circle.
There seem to be tar remnants on one foot.
He looks younger cleaned up, but his teeth are absolutely horrid -- spirit
and musculature seem quite young, though, and his pelage is thick.  We
should have a bit of better guess after his dental work; his teeth are just
COVERED in tartar and at least one has a terrible break so he doesn't like
anyone looking in his mouth.  He's a perfect example of needing that 3 year
age guessing range.
They are all curious about each other but even after his 6 weeks in the
shelter we want them to have more time apart for obvious reasons.  Will
be setting his vet appointment and will have to set a dental appointment
for him, plus get his fecal samples checked.
[Posted in FML issue 2896]