..as i sit here shoveling out some more chicken gravy to the piglets I
realize it is time for another exciting workout (also known as "chicken
gravy--the upper body toner")..
then I think of the FML and i realize i STILL have not thanked everyone
for the great help and hints i received from everyone.  I have confidence
that my next attempt will go much smoother (and I will turn the meat
grinder handle in the CORRECT direction this time.  that will shave at
LEAST 45 min off the timer.  *sigh*)
so here it is: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ALL THE HINTS!!!  So many wrote to
me with ideas and hints about serving size and i tried to get back to them
all but ended up losing some of them.  So thank you rebecca, pat andrews,
kim of kista, fran, and so many others that sent me hints!
Someone reminded me not to add the brewers yeast till after i re-heated and
was about to serve.  Good thing you reminded me b/c it was in my notes but
i totally forgot!  I would have had gravy all over me (which wouldn't have
stopped keera in the least!)
How does it make my guys feel? I think they are doing great! Keera is more
outgoing and active.  Bonnie and Clyde (two temps) put on some weight and
filled out.  Even fezzik likes it.  I can't get them to eat chicken though.
I even tried heating bits of chicken soaked in gravy for them.  but they
lick it all up and leave the chicken...maybe one day they will decide to
eat it.
a quick question: any one have a ferret that prefers it to all/most treats?
Keera is a bit nuts for it and the others are following her lead.  she
would eat all of the others gravy and she got mighty plump!!  now she is
better about it but she is still the last one i can give it to b/c she eats
it soo much quicker than the rest (if she could suck it though her nose she
i will end now b/c i can go on forever trying to thank you so much for the
hints!  You guys made my guys so much better (and my arms a bit more tone
from all that grinding..)
with keera, fezzik and haggis
and the temps: bonnie and clyde
[Posted in FML issue 2867]