I've been to the vets today, I didn't get to see Mr Jones who I thought I
would see but I saw another vet and he said that Jack has fluid in his
abdomen.  They couldn't find the x-ray Jack has had about a month ago so
they said they will have another look and if they can't find it they will
do another x-ray free of charge.  The vet who had taken the x-ray has left
the surgery so they don't know what happened to it.
Jack's heart sounds okay, no missing beats but it was faster than the
heartbeat of another ferret (Mason).  The vet felt around the abdomen and
Jack showed signs of pain when he felt around the pancreas.  Though I don't
know if it was the pancreas.  Jack will be back at the vets on Thursday for
a scan and possibly another x-ray.  I do fear that he has this pancreatic
I know ferrets get fluid with heart and liver disease but I just wanted
more info on pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  Because there is hardly any
information on it.  Hasn't anybody had a ferret with this disease?
From Ulrike
and Jilly, Jack, Igor, Bella, Tom, Mason, Baby, Dana, Fox, Reno, Rose, Hope
and Jasmine
Missing Angel
West Wales Ferret Welfare
[Posted in FML issue 2867]