I apologize if someone else has already posted this.  I'm not able to keep
up with all the FML's every day.  But I just discovered this in the back of
my new PAWS (Progressive Animal Welfare Society) magazine.
Excerpts from the article state: Napoleon and Josephine need a
ferret-friendly home
Tucked in a back office at PAWS is an airy, roomy cage; home to two of the
sweetest animals at PAWS.  Napoleon and Josephine are two abandoned sable
ferrets living and playing at PAWS.  And they need a home.  "Someone left
them in a box at the Lynnwood Park and Ride with a 'free' sign," says Vicki
Nelson, who runs PAWS Rescue Program for domesticated animals that are not
dogs, cats or birds.  Vicki has been caring for them in her office for
several months now while she tries to line up an appropriate rescue family.
The article goes on to state that Vicki has been able to find homes for all
kinds of other exotic animals that have come to PAWS, but still has not
been able to place Napoleon and Josephine.  Vicki says they are very sweet
and inquisitive, and people fall in love with them after they meet them.
However, they both have adrenal tumors which require monthly hormone shots
to control.  People interested in being Napoleon and Josephine's rescue
home are encouraged to contact Vicki Nelson at (425) 787-2500, ext.  231.
Applicants must have prior experience with ferrets.
On a personal note, Vicki is also a really nice person, and came to my
house once, to pick up a very large cage which I donated to PAWS.  I
think she is a great person to work with and I'm really happy to see she
is watching out for the ferrets.  I think it may be the first time they've
had ferrets at PAWS.  I really plugged ferrets while she was visiting and
asked a lot of questions about PAWS experience with them, and if I remember
correctly, she, at least had not seen ferrets at PAWS before.  I want to
publicly congratulate her on watching out for these little guys.
[Posted in FML issue 2867]