I'm soo excited to be back on the FML!
I was on here about a year ago when I had my ferret, Marmette.  She died
of cancer at only 9 months old and I was heart broken.  But!  I now have
Trinity, a beautiful one year old sable.  She was given to me by a friend
of a friend.  I'm going to call it a Ferret Rescue, though.  They fed her
Deli-Cat, chocolate covered peanuts, kept her in cedar chips/small critter
litter, and never once trimmed her nails!!!  So now she's being slowly
weened off the Deli-Cat and fed Iams Kitten (which she seems to like so
far), she's been bathed and clipped (she had her first dose of Ferretone
and LOVED it) and she's been introduced to sleeping in a hammock which I
think has been her favorite part!
YAY!  I'm ferret-owned again!  And so, so happy.  Yesterday (Oct 31) was
my 30th birthday and I can't imagine receiving a better present.
And it's great to get on the FML again!  So nice to see familiar names!
Is the Noble Cleaning Crew still out there?  How about the Fuzzbutt Rodeo
Clowns?  Hotspur and Fidget, the WVU ferrets?
Good to be back!
Rachel Bray
Trinity (So....this is a hammock, huh?  I could get used to this!!!)
The Ohio State University
Fees, Deposits and Disbursements
[Posted in FML issue 2853]