Just recently, I also had a disaster with a ferret getting caught under
furniture.  I was truly lucky that no bones were broken, and no soft tissue
was damaged beyond repair.  Yet, the animal was dead when I found her, I
fully beleive my petting her in panic and dispair did a sort of CPR which
started the breathing process again, and the animal 'came to' after a few
hours of exponenial soothing.  Today she is like she always was, but seems
more attentive and willing to just hang out in my arms.
>From:    Joy Smith <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Lucky Ferret
As to the ferret witht he broken legs, my stomach turns to know that little
animal went the better part of a week with two broken legs.  I also have
broken my legs ... not intentionally..  ha!  And I know the pain and trauma
it causes the body.  If I had been saddled with that situation with a
ferret with two broken legs, no one would have slept in a 500 mile radius
until one of two things happened: 1) some qualified person would have
attended to the breakage, or 2) with huge reluctance and emotional
devestation, would have put the animal down.
These two experiences, mine and the one above, should prompt every ferret
owner to know of vets to handle these situations, and have their phone
numbers handy.  Talking to any local vet will render those data for future
reference so you will not be caught short.  I have done this just recently
where I have been in arears in that department at the expense of my pet.
Never again.
You can't train a ferret, but the owner is fully trainable.  I am still in
training.  Ya can't help but love a ferret!
Gordon, Byte-me and Nibble-ed
[Posted in FML issue 2863]