Smokey and Bandit are separate from the other fuzzies.  They had a vet
check on Nov. 2 and got a clean bill of health.  However I came home from
work on Tues night and discovered that Smokey is having black tarry stools.
I feel he has an ulcer from all of the stress they have been through in the
last little while.  My home is the fourth they've been in in 2 years.  On
Nov.  2 Smokey's weight was 2 lbs, 5 oz.  Today it is 2 lbs even.  When I
try to give him duck soup he gags and tries to vomit.  He is well
dehydrated but really appears depressed.  He won't take his eyes off of me
for a minute.  I had a shower and looked out at him and he was watching the
shower curtain.  When I finished my shower, he was curled up on the bath
mat, sound asleep.Bandit hasn't lost any weight and seems to be settling
in quite nicely.  I called Mr. Money's secretary today and discovered that
they had been in the basement storage room for a year, with the human
contact slowly dwindling .  The woman has 9 kids, 5 of which live at home.
She did tell me the reason she took them to the vet on the 2nd. was she
thought there was something wrong with them, they had stopped eating.  The
vet listened to their hearts, and did a quick check over.  He said they
were fine and thought maybe the new puppy had them upset.  I also found out
that Smokey vomited in the vet's office and he told her not to worry.  It
was probably nothing.  Ferrets do that when they are upset.  Just take them
home and if they are not eating in a few days bring them back and we'll do
stool samples and some blood work.  We are going to MY vet @ 8am.  It is
now 3 am.  Ms. Secretary asked me to take them back to the vet who saw them
on the 2nd.  No way!  I am taking them to my vet, I trust her.  The other
guy, I would like to hang up by his privates <Grrr> She did offer to try to
get Mr. Money to pay for the vet bill.  If he does that's OK, but if he
doesn't, that's OK too.  I will pay the bill if I have to.  The main thing
is getting Smokey looked after.  Every time I look down at him he does the
flat ferret routine and looks up at me with those sad, sad, eyes.  I almost
want to cry for him.  Instead I spent half the night with him cuddled in my
arms and telling him how much I love him already and I promised him he
would never have to go to another home again.  He's here to stay until
death us do part.
Mitzy has to go for xrays @ 8 am.  Her diarrhea has improved some but not a
lot.  She is on prednisone, an antibiotic and a digestive enzyme.  She is
eating very little on her own, but takes the duck soup when fed by syrynge.
She is more energetic now and is well hydrated.  Boy this vet bill will
probably be a doozey!  Oh well, I'll do without a dinner or 2 out and maybe
the phone bill can wait til next month.  My babies come first, especially
when they need medical attention.  My SO has been great, he helps with the
feedings.  He talks a tough story, but when it comes right down to it, he'd
do anything for them too.  He actually volunteered to drive us all to the
vet.  He was going to take them himself, but I found out that I'm off for
Rememberance Day.  Besides I want to be there.  He's not always the
greatest at relaying what the Dr. says.  It must be a man thing<G>.
Well this post is long enough and I have some feedings to attend to.  8 am
will come soon enough.  I pulled an all nighter last nigt, so I'm going to
try to get a few hours sleep.  Will try to keep everyone updated.  Prayers
for the little ones are gratefully accepted.
Sally St. Germain and the Dookn Dozen name is Sally...I am a ferret-a-holic!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2863]