Rob wrote:
>aloe vera is 99% water.
One thing to know about aloe vera -- which we learned about when Steve's
mom ate some as a salad at a friend's suggestion: it can turn urine bright
red if enough is ingested which throws a scare into some folks.  Don't know
if this would happen with ferret urine but it might.  The Poison Center
which got called about it way back then said it was not dangerous, just
weird.  Have NOT checked into this plant at all since then, so do think to
check things before using them and to remember that it mostly is NOT true
that if some is good then a lot is better, folks.
The latest Not Wild, Just Crazy comic strip is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
The guy's Autumn pig-out seems to be slowing.  About time.  Our furrys'
coats vary.  Most are normal winter coats, one is much thicker, one
slightly thinner.
Ashling has figured out how to open my pocket book.  Can't hang it on a
door knob any longer.  Sigh... At least she doesn't remove the stitches
like brilliant Tuggle did, or carry the zipper-opening ability over to
pants flies like Meltdown did when she first figured them out.  Couldn't
have any house guests with her out for the longest while.  They all got a
[Posted in FML issue 2862]