Hi All,
Just thought I'd let everyone know of a cool little tip that I've found
works really well during shedding time...(I don't get new ideas often, so
here goes:)
If your guys are shedding heavily like mine are right now, I've found a
great product to get up hair off the hammocks in between the weekly
washings, I just use it each night when I do litter boxes.  There is a
dense, yellow sponge on the market for picking up pet hair, you can find it
in almost every pet store, and if you rub it across the hammocks and sleep
sacks, they come up hair free as the sponge quickly balls up all the little
hairs and then you pick the globs off the sponge.  Boy does a lot of hair
come off!!  This way, your babies may be ingesting a little less of it
too...and your hammocks won't look like they are fur-lined in between
BTW, thanks Bryan for having all three of my babies up on the MAff
Halloween Frolic site...for anyone that's interested, Ralphie is the one
chasing the RC car, and there is a close-up of the little sable with the
white blotch on his face.  For some strange reason, he is the one who
decided that it should be summer now and lost all of his coat and weight!
He even had to prove it by swimming in the lake at the frolic while we were
there!  Goofy boy!  The DEW is Nick and the two little girls kissing in the
blue bag....the silver blaze wannabe is our Whitty!  I was so excited to
see them "on the web"!!  Thanks bunches!!!!
Michele & the 8-iz enuff gang...
Ralphie says he vants his own dressing room now so he can be
[Posted in FML issue 2853]