I haven't seen anyone post about their ferrets winter coats this year, and
was curious to know if anyone in New England, NH, has noticed that their
ferrets haven't gotten a heavy winter coat this year.  Mine started to shed
the begining of October and then stopped.  They have a very lite coat this
year.  Nothing like last year.  I have 10 ferrets and they are all like
that.  Maybe a real mild winter this year?  Boy I sure hope so.  They eat
Totally Ferret and duck soup and are all very healthy, even my almost 7 yr
old Skittles.
To the person who uses Lexan on the their cage bottoms: what is Lexan?
Just curious to know for I have one cage (midwest) with 5 ferrets and it
is a pain to clean.  Any suggestions are always welcome.
Bob C.  My condolences to you on losing Stella.  It does get easier but
they are never forgot.  I still feel my Snowy's cold wet nose on my foot
every so often (when there are no other ferrets around).
Happy Dooking,
Debbie's Crazy Ferrets10
Debbie's Ocean Treasures Gift Shop
[Posted in FML issue 2853]