Please i need some help ASAP.  iv'e got a three yr old female who just a
while ago i believe had a seizure.  I only got her a few months ago i
bought her and her two house mates, she has always been like the mother
type ferret she is more a lap ferret then her playmates who are on the go
non stop.  Anyhow she seems in perfect health eats like horse non stop.
I was down stairs watching tv when i heard this loud whinny type noise and
a thud i ran up stairs and Tazzy was in her hammock shaking uncontrollably,
i pulled her out of the cage and held her and talked to her she then
stopped and just stared at me like how the hell did you get here, like i
said she seems in good health she has gained alot of weight since iv'e had
her but like i said she eats non stop.  Well while i was holding her i
decided to rub her tummy and i felt a golf ball sized lump on the right
side of her tummy what could it be and how could i have not notice this
before now???Also is their anyone who lives in the Twin cities that knows
a good vet who see's alot of ferrets?  Please let me know asap.
[Posted in FML issue 2859]