I was given a stray ferret by my neighbor who learned how to pick up and
hold a ferret from me.  He said he would not have known what it was or
touched it if he had not been over and held mine.  Thank God for another
miracle!!!!!  It does not appear sick or injured.
Please e-mail me with a description of it and your name and phone number
if you are out there.
Wolf just had surgery, and cannot be stressed out with another ferret in
the house.  I have no more cages as Wolf has to be in the sick cage
because of all his stitches.  The poor scared lost thing is in a carrier.
It is not eating yet and is thin.
This poor tiny one needs mom and or dad.  I pray you read this or the
signs I have posted.
If there is anything else I should do PLEASE e-mail me to tell me!!!!!
As always
My humble thanks
[Posted in FML issue 2859]