I have a 2 year old that scratches alot more than the other.When she does
this I put her in a cage by her self.
If I keep her in the same cage with as with her 11 month old cage mate then
he wants to drag her round the cage so I do already know he is the dominent
one Often the male will not let her go to the bottem of the cage to go to
the bathroom so she always ends up pooping in the corner of the cage.I a'm
real upset with her for doing this and I reliuswe it is not her falt.But
how do I calm him down a little?  He always wants to play + pick on her
plus to get to scratching thing
She gets ferrettone+ferretvite,water+Eukanuba .
I'm wondering why she is doing this or could there be something realy wong
[Posted in FML issue 2858]