First off, the Crew of Merry Mayhem and myself (plus the other two human
slaves) send their condolences to all who've lost their fur babies.
Todd, Todd, Todd, Todd---shame on you!  How could you equate the warm,
lovable ferret(weasel) to the pointy, rat faced politicians in
Washington?????  I even refuse to call those people horse's arses because a
horse's arse is much more well defined.
Stephanie--trust me, winter is coming.  You think your two look like
Huskies in the Sahara, huh?  Lemme tell ya, at our house when the fur flies
it's normally not from a fight!
Larry-about Willy.  Wish I could help you on this.  We took in a little
girl about a month and a half ago from one of the ladies who cleans here in
the building gave us a beautiful silver mitt female named Taz (who now has
the honor of being named Fang).  The first time I met the little doll she
buried her one canine into my chin.  Later in the day she split the skin on
my finger.  Since she's been at our house she's bit my husband's chin, all
three of our fingers.  I've resorted to carrying a water gun when I'm too
near her.  She loves to play be chased, etc.  But go to touch her and she's
faster than greased lighting.  The lady who gave her to me said she'd never
bitten anyone before - but I wonder.  So, patience is all I can say and
keep the squirt gone nearby.  Of course the rest of the group were enamored
by the water coming out of my hand-and I foolishly set it down and turned
my back-luckily they didn't get very far with it.
Rebecca and the Crew of Merry Mayhem
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2857]