Hello!  This is Fireball and Sable's "Mom" Sable is still having a problem
nipping, but I am just being patient with my little baby.  NOW she has
developed yet another "attitude" My husband and I are separated, and he
like NEVER cleaned the cage after I left - meaning, the ferret poop would
SIT in the cage till it was black!  I know, quite disgusting!  Suffice to
say, they are with ME now in a CLEAN cage EVERY day and loving it!  Sable
has started to push her litter box away, go behind it and do her business,
and will literally empty the litter tray!  Meanwhile, Fireball looks on,
sighs, does his business IN the litter like a good little man, and goes
back to sleep.  I am wondering, I bought a DIFFERENT type of litter (same
stuff, different NAME brand because they were all out) and perhaps THIS is
the reason?  I KNOW they are both MUCH happier with me in a CLEAN cage and
more space to romp around in.  Is she just trying to get accustomed to the
new house?
Thanks to anyone!
Melle in Tallahassee, FL
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch and swing
with, never saying a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the
best conversation you've had.
[Posted in FML issue 2857]