I had three ferrets that were cage mates for the last five years.  During
the last 3 month, two have crossed over the Bridge.  Now there is one left.
I think the little guy is going through a depression.  Here's why.  His
activity level is way low.  He won't play, he has little interest in toys.
He won't take treats, although today I got him to take a few cc's of
Ferretone.  He used to be very affectionate, but hasn't given me a kiss in
days.  He sleeps a lot more than he used to.  He is eating and his poop
looks normal.  Heart and lungs sound good.  Temp is normal.  In the morning
I give him a hug before I go to work and let him out as soon I get home.
Is depression in a ferret possible?  Any ideas on how to deal with
this?  Getting another ferret is not practical right now.
[Posted in FML issue 2857]