Hi Everyone,
All right, I admit to having a bit of a reputation at work because of my
ferrets.  Or maybe it's the fact that virtually every inch of wall in my
office is covered with pictures of the wonderful darlings.  The other day
my boss handed me the following clipping.  It's from American City and
County magazine:
  "You expected maybe Garrison Keillor?  New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is
  giving residents of the Big Apple an earful.  Hizzoner's radio show,
  'Live from City Hall,' is the number two draw on a local AM radio
  station (behind Rush Limbaugh's show), according to an article in the
  New York Times.  And, like radio show hosts from Howard Stern to Dr.
  Laura, Giuliani can be a bit tightly wound.  To one caller, who
  complained about a ban on keeping ferrets as pets, Giuliani replied, '
  This excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness.  You should
  go consult a psychologist.' "
I guess it doesn't surprise me.
Guy and the Gang:
Thelma, Louise, Candy, Chester, Fargo and Rusty (the ferrets)
Lady Penelope and Napoleon (the miniature pinschers)
Rest in Peace Felix
[Posted in FML issue 2856]