>From:    Tom & Shelley Courter <[log in to unmask]>
>My nine month old (MacKenzie) has a problem.  Her back left leg doesn't
>always want to do what she tells it to do if you get my drift... What it
>does is when she extends it during normal play or even walking, it
>hyper-extends, when she straightens it out taking a step, it straightens
>all the way out, and stays that way, which usually causes her to fall
>over, which breaks my heart....
My DEW has the same problem.  The vet I took her to had a name for it (I
can't remember what it was) but he explained to me that the knee joint
bends both ways and when it goes the wrong way it locks for a few seconds.
He told me it was a deformity and not uncommon.  He also told me she wasn't
in an pain and would adjust to it, and she has done wonderfully.... When it
locks up on her she kinda stops doing whatever shes doing for a few seconds
and relaxes(at least thats what it looks like to me) then her knee unlocks
and she goes about her busines..
[Posted in FML issue 2855]