Hi Everyone,
Sorry for this big mouth being so quiet of late, but have been very busy
socially and at school.
I did decide to forgo the ferret for Halloween.  I went as Mother Margaret
the spanking nun.  Besides, I thought the cigarette smoke would be too much
for my babies.
All of the surgery kids are doing wonderful.  You can hardly see Pookie's
belly, it is now covered in fur.  As are the others, for the most part.
But the strangest thing did happen to Maisie, Sadie and Esmerelda.  They
all blew their coats.  They all now look like they have all over crew cuts.
BUT all have a much thicker coat than before.  Plus, all the non-white
adrenal kids are getting DARK.  Go figure.  I have been trying to tell them
it is almost winter, but well, they think they are smarter than me.
I am doing ok.  I talked to my professor today (who is a world recognized
expert in her field) and she told me that I had no choice about graduate
school, that I just had to go, because I was way too smart not to.  And a
joy to have in class.  This, let me tell you, blew me away.  Seriously.
Made me blush.  And gave me such a boost.
For some reason dem fat boys are poofing all over the place.  Everyday I
come home, they run up to me and beg to be picked up, and then as I get
them near my face, OH MY!!!  No, I didn't have them de-poofed when they got
unbroke.  BK, does it smell worse with the poley in them or is it just my
imagination? ;-)
Man am I glad there is an undo on Outlook Express.  MaryJane just walked
over the key board and deleted my entire message!!  Wonder what it is I
put in that is top secret F.L.O. information?
Need a fix of Budweiser commercials? Then go to:
You can download the ads there.  And yes, there are several of the ferret
and the lizards.  Just way too cool.
Best to all and their fuzzy companions,
Maggie the Magnificent and the Missouri Mob of Mucho Musties
[Posted in FML issue 2854]