Hello everyone.  I hate to be a downer but my little fuzz Sydney lost her
battle with skin cancer tonight.  She crossed the bridge about an hour ago
in my arms.  She was in no pain, and it may sound funny or weird, but it
was a beautiful experience.  I feel so honored that she chose me to hold
her instead of my hubby.  I cradled her in my arms in her fav blankie and
danced her slowly around the room.  She was a little sluggish this am, but
as day went on I knew it was happening today and spent the afternoon with
her.  When she started getting cold I got her blankie and a heating pad to
keep her as comfy as possible.  My vet kept checking in to see if he needed
to come out, but she went on her own and most importantly pain free.
Skeeter if you get a minute could you please tell her I love and miss her
very much.  I know she wasnt with me very long but she took a big piece of
my heart with her.
Robin and the 5 sad fuzz butts
[Posted in FML issue 2854]