Suki - thank you for saying the below, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Additionally I think so many people get caught up in the initial excitement
and its all about them (I want another one, I would never give them up, if
they weren't sold in pet stores I would never have gotten one or three or
five or seven).  It pays to slow down and think both about the future and
the ferrets.
Again we are seeing posts from people who went out and got a PILE of
ferrets, instead of starting with one to three at the most for a few years,
but now they are unhappy with having so many.  Some individuals just go and
get more and more and more till they can't cope with the medical costs, or
can't deal with the potty accidents, or whatever.  Then they scream about
the ferrets and want to unload the lot of them -- as if it were all the
fault of the ferrets.  Hey, folks, guess what?  The goof wasn't the
ferrets' it was YOUR'S.
Yesterday's posted comments about potty training should be well taken!  I
got a call just yesterday from a man trying to unload a ferret they had
bought for their 8 year old daughter.  He was a belligerant man, made more
so I think by the fact that he'd been all over town trying to GIVE the
ferret back to any pet store after the original pet store refused to take
it back (even for free).  I gave him the number of a shelter and he bitched
at me for not taking it myself, threatened to just let it go, the whole
bit.  One if his biggest outbursts centered around "and the pet store will
tell you anything like their easy to potty train".  I would like to rip
that out of every ferret book ever written.  When you say that people think
of cats.  Its nothing like cats and is no where near as easy.  When people
take a ferret home thinking that and there are accidents - they cage the
ferret - a lot.  Ferrets just aren't for everyone and shouldn't be marketed
like they are.
Mary, Giesela, Boris and Booker too
[Posted in FML issue 2880]