For those of you who haven't experienced the joy of high medical costs, let
me tell you what my ferrets have cost in the last 11 months.  This is not
a sympathy ploy; I have the money to cover it (would NEVER have gotten 4
ferrets if I couldn't take care of them).  I just want people to understand
what these little dears can cost.  Maybe someone will THINK before taking
in more and more animals.  I have 4 ferrets; Lily (6), Lany (nearly 5), and
Champ and Blaze (2 1/2).
1/6/99 - distemper booster for all four - $66.00
1/12/99 - Metronidazole for Champ (irritated bowel; they didn't charge me
for the fecal test; I just dropped some off for them) - $7.60
1/18/99 - rabies booster for all four and heartworm meds for 3 months -
4/26/99 - 6 month check up for Lily and Lany - $120.40 (blood glucose for
each and Lily's Lysodren) - ferrets over 3 years old should have routine
6 month check-ups
5/26/99 - Removal of hematoma from Lily's ear - $169.70
6/15/99 - Lily (had cyst checked to make sure that's all it was - cytology
and clavamox) and Blaze (having trouble chewing/swallowing - clavamox) -
8/27/99 - Lily - removal of cyst (looked like it was about to burst),
including histopathology - $209.15
11/22/99 - Lily and Lany, 6 month check up and teeth cleaning - discovered
a lump on Lily's neck; subsequent biopsy and histopathology; both put on
amoxicillin after teeth cleaning; CBCs on both; refilled Lily's Lysodren -
11/22/99 - trip to emergency, after-hours vet; Lily is bleeding a great
deal from the biopsy site - $82.15
The next 6 months...Lily's lump is lymphoma.  Will start chemo on
Wednesday.  Prognosis without treatment is 1-2 months from diagnosis to
death.  Chemo cost, probably about $200/month for 5-6 months, one day each
The other three...this type of lymphoma is thought to be viral (!!!!!) -
will require the others to have CBCs to check their lymphocytes every 6
There are a couple more purchases of heartworm meds in there and I guess I
didn't keep the receipts.  Of course, this also doesn't include food, toys,
litter, etc.
Did anyone add this up?  My medical cost for 4 ferrets for 11 months has
been over $1,200!!!  Lily's treatment over the next 5-6 months will be
over $1,000.  Then, there's the rabies and distemper boosters due again
in January.  Champ and Blaze will have to have CBCs because of Lily's
lymphoma.  Lany had a CBC on Monday, so she's set for a while.  Champ and
Blaze also need their teeth cleaned.
That, my friends, is what ferrets can cost.  I thank God that Lany, Champ
and Blaze are all healthy.  Lily is my little money-sucker, and always has
been (liver problems, an intestinal blockage that didn't require surgery,
two adrenal surgeries, at least 3 UT adrenal panels).  But, the others
could just as well have medical problems, and most likely will as they get
Please, please, please think long and hard before you take in more ferrets
(or any other animal).  They are expensive and if you can't take care of
their medical needs, you shouldn't have them.
[Posted in FML issue 2880]