>From:    Christine Aubrey <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Brief intro
>I've just joined the list, and am looking forward to hearing from
>ferret-minded people.
Welcome to the Ferret Mailing List, Chris!  We're all ferret-minded
here! :)
And I also wanted to wish everyone and their fuzzies a Happy Thanksgiving,
give your fuzzies lots of hugs and kisses and be thankful, and best wishes
for a safe and healthy holiday season coming up! :) :) :)  My thoughts are
with the sick fuzzies and those that have crossed over.
Dweezil, Sylvi and Loki  ('can we have pumpkin pie, mom?')
*Natasha Over the Bridge 01/02/99*
[Posted in FML issue 2876]