Hi everyone...
My little fuzzy went for a blood work test recently because of his
fluctuations in weight..  other than that, he is as active as usual.  Turns
out that he has a low white cell count.  However, the vet says that it is
nothing to worry for now cos it is not a serious problem.  But, he is going
to do some research and digging around to see what's the cause of this low
count.  He says that itmight be due to the diet ..  not sure.
And in the meantime, my little fuzzy is fine.  The worse case scenario that
thevet told me, highly improbable..  very doubtful that adrenal or bone
marrow problem.  We have no idea yet.
Does anybody have this problem before ?  His weight fluctuations isnt major
but it is enough for me to feel it..  his tummy area.
If anyone have more infomation on this, please feel free to email me at
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carmen, ritz's mummy
[Posted in FML issue 2876]