Hello to all the ferrets and their humans out there.  I just had to mail
in my comments!
>Never, never house a ferret outside in unheated (or air conditioned in
>summer) environments.  They cannot survive in temperature extremes.  They
>are domestic animals and fragile in this respect.
Although I do not disagree with the spirit of this posting I must voice my
strong opposition and concern about the above extract.
My ferrets have always been housed outdoors and have suffered no ill
effects at all.  I am sure that our centrally heated houses are not the
optimum environment for ferrets - it is so drying.
We do not have airconditioning in the house or our car let alone the ferret
housing.  (as a comparison the airconditioning at work makes my nose run!).
My ferrets are healthy and are not half as delicate as you would believe,
though of course I don't go breathing all over them when I have a cold.
These comments are not meant to be of a judgemental nature, just voicing my
opinion, after all it is the ferret's interests that we all have at heart.
Also, please refer to previous week's postings about heating and Bill
Killan's comments too.
May your ferrets live long and prosper!
[Posted in FML issue 2875]