Marie wrote:
>2. I agree that there is con artist on the internet
Yes.  More than one.  Some aren't too slick, but some are very much so.  A
person HAS to verify and sometimes one verification is NOT enough.  (Been
there.)  If you want to learn more about scams call or write to your local
public safety officer or Neighborhood Watch (Use the NON-emergency number.)
and ask for their fliers on scams.  There are also people who might sound
like scams on the surface but aren't when people check -- so in EITHER
direction it pays to first ask for references BEFORE reacting.
Folks, PLEASE, be careful.  When it's assumed that human life is more
important to everyone here that's every bit as much as an assumption as
when people think ferret lives must be worth more than others to all (and
could really hurt some people and start other flames).  It's every bit as
bad as putting down that ferret life is by definition more important than
human life.  EACH is a personal ASSUMPTION -- and the weight of each one
of the them as well as the PAIN they can cause is going to vary among us.
EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!!!!  We have the responsibility to RESPECT those
differences.  I think that Amy and Shari expressed it beautifully while
still respecting individual variations.  Got to do that, people!  Now,
let's forget it.  We all make errors at times.  Heck, if I only had a
nickle for each time I had goofed I'd be as rich as Bill Gates is from each
time Windows errs.  Unfortunately, for most of us mistakes are only things
we get to learn from without also figuring out ways of getting rich from
them.  So, let's just grin a bit, accept that we are all only human, show a
bit of tolerance since every one of us varies from every other one, and get
on with life.
***Bill, didn't you mention once that there are often seasonal patterns to
bad tempers here and that the holidays, exam times, and start of school
year sometimes see both extremes more than others?  That's just from memory
so I might be wrong.***  [I think so, anyhow.  BIG]
Stef wrote:
>the good news is that Neelix seems to be perking up pretty good and
>quickly.  The ECE-symptoms started on tuesday and yesterday(saturday) he
>started to eat on his own again; a bit reluctantly, but from meal to meal
>more eagerly and with full interest.  Today(sunday) he's eating quite
>normal, be it small meals but very frequently.  And his poops are fairly
Then I doubt you are dealing with ECE (Congratulations!) unless it turns
very bad very rapidly again; we had as long as 3 months of steady illness,
with the feces being necrotic in smell constantly, and only intermittent
small improvements in consistency.  Behavior varied among individuals.
Despite having some severely ill all survived (though two who were older
had permanent problems which contributed to their final illnesses), and the
younger group of them has no lasting damage at all despite the severity of
the illness years ago.  Don't forget the option of sub-Q re-hydration or
IV (better) with really sick ones when runs are severe and constant and
dehydration is marked to avoid or reduce kidney damage.  ECE care mostly is
careful nursing and finding ways to lure them to eat and drink, as well as
treating any secondary things and trying to reduce intestinal inflammation
due to the problems that can cause and it goes on and on and on for a
while; then you are home free but still isolated for 8 months to a year
(including not handling the ferrets of others' for that time unless you
KNOW that you aren't carrying the illness -- something we never risked),
and after that while you can relax and look back on it with happiness and
some pride for a job well done and cuddly ferrets to continue to hug and
[Posted in FML issue 2874]