We have been lucky enough to find a new hotel for the conference.  This
hotel is *way* cheaper, but not lacking the same quality and service.
The hotel is better located, bigger & better for less.  Some of you have
visited our web site and seen the packages available.  Please have a look
again as there is a drastic price difference due to the hotel and food.
I am also excited to report that the zoo is putting together a great
display of the BFF just for us.  The curator of the mammals at the zoo and
the head of the Black Footed Ferret breeding program will be on hand to
speak to us and show us a slide presentation.  We may also have the zoo's
veterinarian speak to us about the diseases they have been seeing with the
Our new hotel has much more to offer on nights away from the conference.
There are theaters, shopping centers, restaurants, fun houses and more
within a 5 to 10 minute walking distance.  It's also on the main bus line
to downtown Toronto.
Registering before Feb 29 is cheaper for us, therefore cheaper for you.
After that, there is a slight increase.  Unfortunately, we can not take
registrations after May 29.  Anyone who has already registered will get a
refund check if they have paid in full.  Anyone who has placed a deposit on
a package will get the lower price break when they pay in full.
The logo contest is going well, so please keep sending in your entries.
I'm excited to meet all my heroes like BIG, Dr. Williams, Bob Church and
hopefully Gary too.
The Ferret Aid Society "For the love of our Fuzzy Friends"
Use your mouse to raise funds for the shelter at no cost to
you! Click here!!
[Posted in FML issue 2874]