I may be way out of my league here, but I would have to agree with everyone
that has said that the ferrets should stay where they currently are.
It is traumatic for a fuzzy to be upended from one home to another.  As a
human who has adopted 4 little fuzzbutts, I would be devastated if any of
their previous humans wanted them back now.  I would also have to deny that
request.  Yuki is now settling in quite nicely and is growing her fur back,
wahhoooo!  Keegan and Jewel no longer bite because of the attention I have
been able to give them, and Karizma is still full of piss and vinegar but
gets along with everyone.
I understand that having to give up a pet for one reason or another is
traumatic, but if the situation changes and you are no longer in that
position, you must live with the choice that was made at the time.
Monica and the Weasel Ward
James, Clyde, Squeeker, Slinky, Tango, Cash, Taffy, Amanda,
Yuki, Keegan, Jewel, Samson, Bear, Felix, Karizma.
Bonnie and Bartles, gone but not forgotten.
[Posted in FML issue 2872]