Hi everyone and best wishes to all the fuzzies.
In response to the question Can ECE be passed to say a dog or cat? I don't
know for sure as I'm not a vet but 4 of my fuzzies had a severe encounter
with ECE and I lost 2 of them. However, my dog and/or cat never exhibited
any symptoms of the disease.
Correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but I believe the transmission is primarily
through contact with contaminated feces. This can happen either directly, or
by handling a ferret that has/had it and somehow got some stool on its fur.
My dog and cat were never allowed very close to the ferts cages, and all
droppings were promptly disposed of in a plastic bag in the trash.
Anybody else have anything else to add?
Monica and the Weasel Ward
James, Clyde, Squeeker, Slinky, Tango, Cash, Taffy, Amanda,
Yuki, Keegan, Jewel, Samson, Bear, Felix, Karizma.
Bonnie and Bartles, gone but not forgotten.
[Posted in FML issue 2872]