Hello all!  Thanks so much for all the great advice on Scout.  After
reading all the horror stories about pet store ferrets Marshal Fields) I'm
wondering where Scout may have come from.  Does anyone know what one dot on
the ear means?
Scout is shaping up very well.  He no longer terrorizes his cage.  We found
that if we line his cage with newspaper he doesn't make any big messes.
Plus it makes for easier clean up.  Now I want to know if I should be
worried about ink poisoning?  It may be a silly question, but one worth
asking.  Also, where can I find good quality ferret food?  The pet stores
around here only sell "little" containers.  Not enough to even last a week.
can I mix ferret food and kitten food?
Sorry about all the questions.  Just trying to learn the most I can to do
the best by "my little man." the holy terror that he is!  :-)
Love and *dooks* to all!
Bruce, Jodi, and Scout
(not to mention) Kylie and Tasmine our other four legged fuzzy kids!
[Posted in FML issue 2853]