Hello FMLers;
My name is Mary Mewton.  My husband Kris and I run a ferret shelter located
in Warren, Michigan.  We have had the name mkaresq for four years.  It
stands for make-a-rescue.  It can also stand for Mary, Kris-a-rescue.  The
name is registered with the state of Michigan and no one else can use it.
Not that they would want to.  We do have a bank account in that name also.
For a long time we did not so checks were usually made out to us.  All
food, litter, vet care etc.  came out of our general checking.  We
currently house 50 shelter ferrets and have 15 personals.
As of late I was chair person of the Great Lakes Ferret Association.  This
year we have adopted out 89 ferrets and placed 20 others in shelters in and
around the state of Michigan.  Our website address is www.mkaresq.com We
are listed with FML shelter listing, Star, and various other sites.  We
joined the Igive under the name of mkaresq.  All checks from there come in
the name of mkaresq.
I am writing this because Lysette had a hard time in finding us and did not
believe we are here.  Ada was just trying to help our shelter.  She may
have made a mistake, but she would not "weasel" anyone out of money for
personal gain.  BTW my hair color is dark and streaked with gray.
Thank you, Mary
[Posted in FML issue 2871]