Ron wrote:
>You can't treat pets as if they are disposable.  This is a life
>time >commitment.
Those two sentences say it all, and you hit the nail on the head.  I can
understand it when there are life-threatening allergies in a child, or when
there are severe family pressures such a dying family member, but I, too,
remember what happened.  The fact stands: others love and care for these
critters now and they have all the details which the rest of us don't have,
plus THEY supplied the medical care without which these ferrets would have
been destroyed as the person first planned (and freely mentioned).
Ulrike, is the ferret obviously pear shaped, with coarse fur and thinning
(perhaps wrinkling) skin?  If so, have your vet consider the possibility of
an adrenal growth to see if anything else matches.  The very first adrenal
ferret we ever had looked like that.  Also, how old is he?  Have seen some
elderly ones get a shape like that and certainly coarse fur isn't unknown
in old ones; neither is fur loss for that matter.  Right now you are
thinking, "Couldn't this all just be straight-forward?" Nope.  Sorry.
Keron wrote:
>the pharmacist told me ... anesthetic used in Goldbond and Neosporin
>Triple Antibiotic ... is actually an aggravant to the eczema
Thank you for a timely thing we needed to know!!!!!!!  Explains a lot.
[Posted in FML issue 2871]