Susan, who is this breeder?  Have you verified this with others who have
had the breeder's ferrets?  Over the years we've heard of three line of
ferrets which were said to very consistently be exceptionally long-lived
(most reaching 9 years or above).  Two of the ones I believe; the sources
are reliable and multiple.  Unfortunately, BOTH those lines were allowed to
die out.  Arrggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!  Another person CLAIMED to have such a line
but $400 gone and some interesting stories that didn't mesh later (and a
few years afterward) we are still without any kit and feeling burned.  It
would be WONDERFUL to find an extant, long-lived line which can be
verified.  Could you, PLEASE, check with people who have had this breeder's
ferrets for an extended number of years (so it's not just the breeder's
say-so) and get back to us all with the data and the references?  I ask
every year or few about this question.  It's good to have a lead, so,
please, check it for us.  How long have your ferrets from this line lived
so far?  We want some 12 year old ferrets in our family.
The most helpful thing ever said to me when we lost a ferret was said by
Margie: as long as that ferret remains in your heart she/he is never gone.
We've also had 8 years olds (in these cases age was actually known) deal
fine with surgery though recovery takes longer and requires more careful
nursing.  The oldest ferret we know about who had surgery was not a member
of our family: a friend's 10 year old, suffering with cardiomyopathy but
having grande mal seizures from insulinoma.  Without surgery the seizures
would have continued to worsen the heart problems and would have led to a
painful death therefore it was felt that even if the ferret couldn't
survive surgery that it was worth the try since the alternative would be so
very hard on the ferret (the opinion of multiple vets).  The individual
didn't make it off the table, sadly, but it had to be tried as the fairest
option for the individual critter.  Anyway, with a great surgeon and
nothing critical going on in addition even old ones can get through surgery
just fine, but it's certainly harder and requires more care.  Have to just
take each situation and individual separately, to echo Regina.  I've seen a
few two year olds I'd be less likely to put under the knife than some old
ones who are hearty.  We've also been unusually fortunate that we've had
locally the best veterinary surgeon we've ever known; we will miss him as
a friend as well as a vet when he goes.  Whatever hospital gets Hanan in
his new state when he goes will have a treasure.
Funny that someone should bring up sleeping noises.  Ashling hissed in her
sleep yesterday -- actually it was sort of a slurred hiss if you can
imagine such a thing, and Glueball who "wracks" (cries) about anything at
all -- even sometimes to initiate play -- did that in her sleep in reply.
Someone was having strange dreams...
[Posted in FML issue 2871]